Semi precious stones and jewelry

Semi precious stones and jewelry

Side interest CRAFTS

Other than the various expert items, Punto Accessori likewise makes it feasible for haberdasher's and specialties darlings to make adornments all alone. Truth be told, in excess of 700 things are accessible in advantageous pockets bearing our logo and containing modest quantities. Give free rule to your creative mind and make your very own adornments embellishment. You can pick unquestionably the best parts and metal discoveries for gems or hotshot your own ethnic adornments manifestations which are generally the fierceness. The materials that can be utilized reach from the exemplary metal segments for adornments to glass, from shell to wood, from semi-valuable stones to bone.

You can conclude whether to make exemplary dab gems or make adornments like none that has at any point been seen previously, maybe in mother-of-pearl. On the site you will discover all you require, you just add your creative mind. Besides, in the event that you get your companions included, you could put orders for sums that let you benefit as much as possible from the benefits Punto Accessori offers: look at the table of limits!!

For the individuals who wish to set up an extraordinary territory for these items in their haberdashery shop, reach us for vertical presentation cases for the pockets or table represents the spools of chain. So the thing would you say you are hanging tight for? Making your own adornments extras has never been this simple.


In any creation area, having the correct instruments is fundamental to accomplishing the best outcomes. Punto Accessori has chosen the best pastes, delivered by the best makers, to offer you simply the best. For sticking any sort of texture we suggest Bison Textile; for sticking whatever else, regardless of whether it be frill for calfskin products, shoes or whatever else, you can depend on Uhu Plus.


A principal metal finding for adornments, the setting is the base used to stir up the embellishment. They come in metal and zamak, with or without prongs, and reach from the old style to the most lavish shapes. They are incredibly helpful in creating extras for shoes, calfskin merchandise or garments. Settings are a critical component for adornments making.


The gems making chain is a harmony between tasteful magnificence, handling method and creation quality. The wide area for such things goes from the littlest chains, wires and connections to work sheets, from metal to steel or aluminum, with globules or with strass. They come in such countless shapes that a few chains, fit with a typical neckband fasten, can without much of a stretch become a straightforward, in vogue belt or a total gems embellishment.


Probably the biggest segment on the whole site, metal discoveries for adornments making are central segments for making gems and substantially more. The various segments range from the lynchpins of the exchange like hoop wires and sponsorships, neckband fastens and end pieces, ornaments, key chains, bars, wires and filigree; as such the structure squares of gems making materials. On the off chance that you need to make any extra for shoes, garments or calfskin merchandise all in all, this is your beginning stage.


This segment presents the old style things like plastic dabs, the pioneer of the primary dab gems, or appearances and plastic cabochons, and other more unpredictable parts that take on another job in arrangements utilizing glass globules or sequins. ABS is a different part. This material is very stylish today since it keeps up its shape and offers the advantages of plastic be that as it may, similar to metals, it tends to be given an excited shading impact.


Exceptionally surprising parts, ideal for ethnic adornments, the Chinese enamels can be separated into 2 fundamental classifications. The dark veneers set specific fancy adornments on a dim lustrous, refined foundation; the red polishes are utilized in alleviation, again set on a dull foundation to make differentiating parts that are of undisputed impact.


This part is devoted to things made totally of pitches or which are basically gum covered. They present an elective suggestion for adornments frill that are not the same as the standard thing. Making is simple: all you need is gems wire, some gum thing, a neckband fasten and presto.


In excess of 1100 things of regular beginning, for example, bone, horn, wood, semi-valuable stones, semi characteristic components, bark, decorations and glass. From the materials to the most stretched out scope of shapes, an impressive assortment to wear nature and make ethnic or semi-valuable stone gems and have a specially crafted gems extra.


A classification uniquely committed to the universe of shells. The various things start with the basic shapes found in nature and proceed onward to the most mind boggling, modern applications. We propose shells, set on adornments wire, as characteristic trim for specific applications like furnishings. Basic things made of different materials are handily covered with shell work to turn out to be valuable parts for gems embellishments or cowhide merchandise and apparel.

Murrina glass:

This is the biggest part of the whole site, offering 3000 distinct things of murrina glass, the entirety of our production. Making glass adornments has never been simpler. The things range from strong shading to the "millefiori" murrina glass, consistently made on a copper base, and on to the traditional straightforward, unjustifiable glass "smaller than normal blocks" that bestow critical light-shading impacts.


A wide scope of parts for making glass gems that goes from exemplary dabs, regardless of whether smooth or cut glass, to multicolor pieces, pendants and sequins. Ideal for brightening and improving dress or calfskin merchandise or for making valid and appropriate gems adornments.


A determination of selective things for satchels including, handles, mirrors or metal terminal pieces. The classification, bound for cowhide merchandise providers as well as others, offers handles in wood, bamboo, bone, covered with shell or plated, to give the adornment a last plan impact or a discrete dash of class.


This classification covers things that have effectively been worked and which can be utilized 'with no guarantees' or as parts for more unpredictable adornments frill. The segment with lacquers and strass is very complex, transforming basic adornments materials into genuinely unique frill.
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